In instituting male superiority, some of the materials also draw upon some classically held ideas about men preferring male children. This is not only underwritten by concepts of male superiority and advantaged property inheritance, but also through the idea that a man would much prefer a masculine child rather than a feminine one. Time of Decision was an Army ROTC comic book about a man who uses his ROTC training to advance in the business world and become an ideal breadwinner. His wife is pregnant with their first child when they hear word that war has broken out in Europe. He advises her, “Don’t worry about it honey, just take care of yourself and make sure you present me with a husky son on schedule.”[^] In this story, not only did the man request that he would be “presented” with a son, but also a properly masculine son. By requesting that he be “husky,” he was not only asking for a sufficiently healthy son, but also a son that fit some of the ideas about what comprised a man’s health, like a strong build and an imposing size. The comic ends happily for the man – not only did he remain safe through the war, his wife gave birth to a husky son right on schedule.