
<view> (vue) décrit le contexte visuel d'une partie d'un scénario selon la vision du spectateur, généralement indépendamment de tout dialogue. 7.3.1 Technical Information 7.3 Other Types of Performance Text
Moduledrama — 7 Performance Texts
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<rng:element name="view">
<rng:ref name="att.global.attributes"/>
<rng:ref name="macro.specialPara"/>
element view { att.global.attributes, macro.specialPara }
 <name>Max</name> joins his daughter
at the window. <hi>Rain</hi> sprays his
 <camera>Max's POV</camera> He sees occasional
windows open, and just across from his apartment
house, a <hi>man</hi> opens the front door of
a brownstone--
<div type="shot">
 <view>BBC World symbol</view>
  <speaker>Voice Over</speaker>
  <p>Monty Python's Flying Circus tonight comes to you live
     from the Grillomat Snack Bar, Paignton.</p>
<div type="shot">
 <view>Interior of a nasty snack bar. Customers around, preferably
   real people. Linkman sitting at one of the plastic tables.</view>
  <p>Hello to you live from the Grillomat Snack Bar.
Un élément view peut être considéré comme une forme particulière d'indication scénique.