Sexual Identity Construction in Powder Keg
For examples, please see the Sexual Identity Construction Examples page

The male sexual being at the Depot was largely constructed by the gossip and joke sections of the newspaper. The gossip section provided men (and, to a much lesser extent, women) with space to advertise sexual conquests on the base and reaffirm their sexual desirability. Similarly, the persona of the "wolf" - a sailor that is always in pursuit of women - permeated both jokes and gossip. The term was used in a celebratory manner in describing sailors' constant pursuits of women. The newspaper featured a syndicated cartoon, The Wolf, that depicted a sailor with a wolf's head. The cartoon often depicted The Wolf's pursuit of women, but was most telling in its portrayls of everyday life. Through these, we can see that this persona is implicit in the soldiers' lives, and men are always on the prowl, even if they are not outwardly displaying their intentions. Military men also established themselves as more desireable than civilians by portraying women as greatly interested in the physical superiority of military men, as well as the status and wealth that came with being attached to a military man.