Barracks Browsing
Leonard Locke likes to remember the A.K.A. girls of Kansas City. From the tales he relates, they're "nice people"
E.C. Dawkins, the "Prairie Village Playboy," is getting along famously on his job as P.V. He's wearing white socks, adjusts his watch cap so that it take on a "chapeau" effect, an' keeps singing some crazy ditty about his "little darlin' "
This news blurb makes these two men out to be sexual celebrities. In the blurb on Leonard Locke, it's implied that there's some sort of sexual conquest behind the fact that this girls are "nice people." In the blurb on E.C. Dawkins, the author sets the stage by highlighting his reputation as a ladies' man, then relates the fact that he now has a steady relationship that evolved from his skills as a "playboy."
Source: Powder Keg, April 12th, 1944, Pg 6