Hither, Thither, and Yawn
A couple of Marines went into a book shop in Hastings; one asked to see a fountain pen. When the girl obliged, the gyrene dipped it in ink and wrote all over a sheet of paper in letters large and small, "Semper Fidelis, Sepmer Fidelis, Semper Fidelis." Finally the clerk said, "Will you take the pen, Mr. Fidelis?" The other Marine, straight-faced but cooperating, said, "Yeah, take it, Semper, and come on. We've gotta be going."
This blurb portrays a woman at a book shop as an unimformed simpleton because she wasn't familiar with the term Semper Fidelis. The Marine then mocks her openly, as further proof that she is oblivious to what's going on.
Source: Powder Keg, June 6th, 1944, Pg 4