Service League Posts Baseball Schedule For Next Two Months; Depot Plays First Game Against Doane Here Next Thursday
Baseball schedule for the Nebraska Service League during the next two months is reprinted here, with Depot games in boldface type. In the league are Kearney, Bruning, Harvard, Fairmont, and Lincoln Army Air Fields, the Doane College Navy V-12 team, and the Depot. By 16 July, the winner of the Second Air Force league will have been determined, and the scheduling committee will meet to continue the Nebraska League through 2 September.
13 May Doane at Hastings.................6 June Harvard at Doane.
14 May Kearney at Bruning...............11 June Kearney at Harvard
16 May Hastings a Kearney...............31 June Lincoin at Fairmont
17 May Harvard at Fairmont..............13 June Doane at Kearney
18 May Bruning at Doane..................13 June Hastings at Fairmont
21 May Lincoln at Harvard.................15 June Doane at Bruning
21 May Bruning at Fairmont...............18 June Fairmont at Harvard
23 May Fairmont at Hastings..............18 June Bruning at Kearney
24 May Doane at Harvard..................20 June Hastings at Doane
25 May Hastings at Bruning................25 June Harvard at Lincoln
26 May Lincoln at Doane....................25 June Fairmont at Bruning
28 May Lincoln at Kearney.................29 June Kearney at Hasting.
28 May Harvard at Bruning..................2 July Bruning at Harvard
30 May Hastings at Lincoln.................2 July Kearney at Lincoln
30 May Kearney at Doane.................4 July Lincoln at Hastings
1 June Harvard at Hastings................9 July Lincoln at Bruning
1 June Doane at Fairmont..................9 July Kearney at Fairmont
4 June Bruning at Lincoln...................11 July Fairmont at Doane
4 June Fairmont at Kearney...............13 July Hastings at Harvard
6 June Doane at Lincoln....................16 July Fairmont at Lincoln
8 June Harvard at Doane...................16 July Harvard at Kearney
Weather Postpones Triangular Meet
Cold rains and return to winter postponed the triangular track meet between the Depot, Hastings College and Peru State Teachers College Wednesday.
A meet with Peru and Hastings College will be held tomorrow at Peru, if weather permits.
Three Boxing Cards Scheduled for Team
Three boxing cards have already been scheduled for Depot scrappers, and several others are awaiting final confirmation, Lt. (jg) Roy I. Carriker, welfare and recreation officer, announced this week.
First card is an invitational tournament at the Lincoln Army Air Field next Friday, celebrating the dedication of the new gymnasium on the base.
Boxers who are interested in representing the Depot on the team are asked to get in contact with George Moye, trainer, barracks 5-D.
For the Lincoln card, as many boxers as wish to attend may go, rgardless of weights. Deciding factors for attendance will be the inability of the boxers and their willingness to get into shape.
Intra-Mural Softball League Scheduled
If you are a sandlot softball player, attention!
A Depot intramural softball tournament is scheduled for summer activity. All games will be scheduled for summer activity. All games will be scheduled through the recreation department, which will also furnish all necessary equipment for playing.
Since softball is a game that requires little time or effort and does not need long practice periods, several groups in the area will want to organize teams.
As soon as teams are tentatively organizeed, they should be listed with Lt. (jg) Roy I. Carriker, recreation officer extension 320. He needs the following information: (1) name of the group (fire department, machinists, railroad crews, inert storage, etc.) and (2) are there any certain times the team cannot play a scheduled game.
Games will be played in early evening, with 1800 tentatively scheduled for starting time.
Saturday, 20 May, is deadline for the entry of the team for the intra-mural league.
Players Sought for Depot Softball Team
All softball players who would like to compete for places on the Depot team are urged to report for the first practice Tuesday night 9 May, at 1830. Athletic Specialist 1c MacGilliss is in charge of the team. First game will be with the Lincoln Army Airbase at Lincoln.
This depicts the prevalence of sports both at the Depot and in the pages of Powder Keg. The pages were filled with articles promoting upcoming games and detailing past games, often highlighting the performances of individual athletes.
Source: Powder Keg, May 5th, 1944, Pg 5