Outstanding Players on Depot Ball Team
Ten outstandng pro and semi-pro ball players are among the pitchers and catchers working out for the Depot baseball team.
D.A. Langstaff, SP (A) 2c, who goes by the nickname of "Red," is a south paw from Iowa. He played baseball for Bronson high school during his four years attendance there and played sandlot ball in Sioux City.
Ray Cutter, GM2c, who oes by the nickname of "Stretch" from Cincinnati, O., is a righthander. He played ball at high school in Cincinnati and also semi-pro ball. Before entering the Navy, he belonged to the Cincinnati Reds.
Herman Howard, S 1c, comes from the state of Alabama, goes by the nickname of "Red Howard" and has probably had the most experience of them all. He formerly played with the Birmingham Black Barons Ball Club, Cleveland Cubs in Cleveland, O., and then the Memphis Red Sox team signed this south paw up. Before entering the Navy he pitched for the Paige All-Stars in Kansas City, Mo.
Matthew Simon, S 2c, another south-paw, who goes by the nickname of "Sy," played semi-pro ball for the Columbus Buck Eye Ball Club in the Negro National League.
Louis Phillippi, S 1c, from Philadelphia, Penn., is a right-hander and has previously played semi-pro ball with the Marabeth Ball club in the Maine Line League and later signed up with the Warwich Ball Club in the Industrial League, Philadelphia, Penn.
William Ferrell, S 2c, another right-hander, who goes by the nickname of "Red" also has seen much action with baseball during his time. He played for Home State Grays Ball Club in the year of 1939 when they were the Professional Champs in that League, the Negro National League of Chicago, and later played ball for the American Giants of the same city.
James Woodley, S 2c, the least experienced of the right-handers of the NAD Ball Club is considered the kid of the pitching staff and shows great promise. He formerly played for the Desoto Parrish Training School in Nashville, La.
Nathaniel Deloatch, GM 3c, who goes by the nickname of "Slim", served his time behind the plate last year for NAD, and claims that he dares anyone to go from first base to second base while he is catching. He played semi-pro-ball in both Savannah, Ga., and Charleston, S.C.
Ruben Taylor, S 2c, another catcher, who goes by the nickname of "Lucky," played semi-pro ball for the Memphis Red Sox in 1939 and 1940 and later transferred to the Memphis Gray Hounds for the seasons of 1941 and 1942.
Owen Wolferton, a civilian Depot worker, who is out for the position of catcher, and goes by the name of "Casey," played semi-pro ball for McCook and North Platte in Nebraska.
Other Members out for the team are as follows: Eddie Spell, S 1c, weighs 200 pounds and is a catcher.
Lawrence Perry, S 1c, pitcher.
Newman Wolferton, civilian Depot worker, pitcher.
Happy Hardwick, civilian Depot worker, pitcher.
Frank Eaves, S 1c, pitcher.
This article shows the celebrity given to the athletes on the competitive teams. Nearly every player is profiled in detail, giving readers a good idea of their skills and an understanding that they are athletically skilled.
Source: Powder Keg, April 14th, 1944, Pg 2