

It seems we have two Romeos in Bill Gingrich and Bob Schroeder. In true Navy style and gentle-moonly fashion they non-chanantly kissed two classy tomatoes goo-by, hopped on the train and went to Grand Island. Upon arriving there they were greeted with open arms by a pair of neat dishes. After this the reporter fell inadertently into an open man-hole, and naturally lost the thread of a good story, but it is assumed the boys eventually returned to the "Hastings Battle Field". Who was it who said, "War is Hell"? Evidently Bill and Bob know not only how to relad, but where.

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Boys, better coop your chicks because A.W.O.L. Ted Luster, a self-professed wolf, is out in the field again.

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The boys of the S.P. are really getting on the ball lately. Kenny Mullings doesn't get much mail from that "Cute Little Fancy" back home, but he is doing all right in Omaha.

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What happened that keeps our Lothario Schroeder out of Columbus this weekend? S. came back all agog over something he met, but despite this week-end being liberty (and having plenty of jack) he is not going back. Did her husband return?*!*...



These blurbs all name specific men and talk up their skills and reputations as ladies' men, furthering their status as successful "wolves."

Source: Powder Keg, October 15th, 1943, Pg 4