4 Default Text Structure
This chapter describes the default high-level structure for TEI documents. A full TEI document combines metadata describing it, represented by a teiHeader element, with the document itself, represented by a text element. This basic pair is represented by a TEI element. The teiHeader element is specified by the header module, which is fully described in chapter 2 The TEI Header. The remainder of the present chapter describes the text element and its high-level constituents.
A variant on this basic form, the teiCorpus, is also defined for the representation of language corpora, or other collections of encoded texts. A teiCorpus consists of one or more complete TEI elements, each combining a teiHeader and a text which itself carries a teiHeader. This permits the encoder to distinguish metadata applicable to the whole collection of encoded texts, which is represented by the outermost teiHeader, from that applicable to each of the individual TEI elements within the corpus. Further information about the organization and encoding of language corpora is given in chapter 15 Language Corpora.
- TEI (TEI 문서) TEI 헤더와 텍스트로 구성된 단일 TEI 구조 문서를 포함한다. 독립 요소 또는 teiCorpus 요소의 부분.
version TEI 스키마의 버전 - teiCorpus 하나의 코퍼스 헤더와 몇 개의 TEI 요소로 구성된, 그리고 하나의 텍스트 헤더와 하나의 텍스트로 구성된 TEI로 부호화된 코퍼스 전체를 포함한다.
- teiHeader (TEI 헤더) 모든 TEI 구조의 텍스트 서두에 위치하는 전자 제목 페이지를 구성하는 기술적이고 선언적인 정보를 제공한다.
- text 어떤 종류의 단일 텍스트를 포함한다. 예를 들어, 시 또는 드라마, 수필선, 소설, 사전 또는 코퍼스 표본과 같은 단일 텍스트 또는 혼합 텍스트.
TEI texts may be regarded either as unitary, that is, forming an organic whole, or as composite, that is, consisting of several components which are in some important sense independent of each other. The distinction is not always entirely obvious: for example a collection of essays might be regarded as a single item in some circumstances, or as a number of distinct items in others. In such borderline cases, the encoder must choose whether to treat the text as unitary or composite; each may have advantages and disadvantages in a given situation.
<!-- .... -->
<!-- front matter of copy text, if any, goes here -->
<!-- body of copy text goes here -->
<!-- back matter of copy text, if any, goes here -->
<!-- .... -->
<!-- front matter for composite text -->
<!-- front matter of first unitary text, if any -->
<!-- body of first unitary text -->
<!-- back matter of first unitary text, if any -->
<!-- body of second unitary text -->
<!-- back matter for composite text, if any -->
Each of these elements is further described in the remainder of this chapter. Elements front and back are further discussed in sections 4.5 Front Matter and 4.7 Back Matter. The group and floatingText elements, used for more complex or composite text structures, are further discussed in section 4.3 Grouped and Floating Texts. Other textual elements, such as paragraphs, lists or phrases, which nest within these major structural elements, are discussed in chapter 3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents, in the case of elements which can appear in any kind of document, or elsewhere in the case of elements specific to particular kinds of document.
4.1 Divisions of the BodyTEI: Divisions of the Body¶
In some texts, the body consists simply of a sequence of low-level structural items, referred to here as components or component-level elements (see section 1.3 The TEI Class System). Examples in prose texts include paragraphs or lists; in dramatic texts, speeches and stage directions; in dictionaries, dictionary entries. In other cases sequences of such elements will be grouped together hierarchically into textual divisions and subdivisions, such as chapters or sections. The names used for these structural subdivisions of texts vary with the genre and period of the text, or even at the whim of the author, editor, or publisher. For example, a major subdivision of an epic or of the Bible is generally called a ‘book’, that of a report is usually called a ‘part’ or ‘section’, that of a novel a ‘chapter’—unless it is an epistolary novel, in which case it may be called a ‘letter’. Even texts which are not organized as linear prose narratives, or not as narratives at all, will frequently be subdivided in a similar way: a drama into ‘acts’ and ‘scenes’; a reference book into ‘sections’; a diary or day book into ‘entries’; a newspaper into ‘issues’ and ‘sections’, and so forth.
Because of this variety, these Guidelines propose that all such textual divisions be regarded as occurrences of the same neutrally named elements, with an attribute type used to categorize elements independently of their hierarchic level. Two alternative styles are provided for the marking of these neutral divisions: numbered and un-numbered. Numbered divisions are named div1, div2, etc., where the number indicates the depth of this particular division within the hierarchy, the largest such division being ‘div1’, any subdivision within it being ‘div2’, any further sub-sub-division being ‘div3’ and so on. Un-numbered divisions are simply named div, and allowed to nest recursively to indicate their hierarchic depth. The two styles must not be combined within a single front, body, or back element.
4.1.1 Un-numbered DivisionsTEI: Un-numbered Divisions¶
- div (텍스트 구역) 텍스트의 전면부, 본문, 후면부의 하위 구역을 포함한다.
- att.typed 요소의 분류 또는 하위분류에서 사용될 수 있는 속성을 제공한다.
type 다양한 분류 스키마 또는 유형을 사용해서 요소의 특성을 기술한다. subtype 필요하다면 요소의 하위범주를 제시한다.
<div type="part" n="1">
<div type="chapter" n="1">
<!-- text of part 1, chapter 1 -->
<div type="chapter" n="2">
<!-- text of part 1, chapter 2 -->
<div type="part" n="2">
<div n="1" type="chapter">
<!-- text of part 2, chapter 1 -->
<div n="2" type="chapter">
<!-- text of part 2, chapter 2 -->
4.1.2 Numbered DivisionsTEI: Numbered Divisions¶
- div1 (1 층위 텍스트 구역) 텍스트의 전면부, 본문 또는 후면부의 첫 번째 층위 하위 구역을 포함한다.
- div2 (2 층위 텍스트 구역) 텍스트의 전면부, 본문 또는 후면부의 두 번째 층위 하위 구역을 포함한다.
- div3 (3 층위 텍스트 구역) 텍스트의 전면부, 본문 또는 후면부의 세 번째 층위 하위 구역을 포함한다.
- div4 (4 층위 텍스트 구역) 텍스트의 전면부, 본문 또는 후면부의 네 번째 층위 하위 구역을 포함한다.
- div5 (5 층위 텍스트 구역) 텍스트의 전면부, 본문 또는 후면부의 다섯 번째 층위 하위 구역을 포함한다.
- div6 (6 층위 텍스트 구역) 텍스트의 전면부, 본문 또는 후면부의 여섯 번째 층위 하위 구역을 포함한다.
- div7 (7 층위 텍스트 구역) 텍스트의 전면부, 본문 또는 후면부의, 문단보다 큰 가능한 한 가장 작은 하위 구역을 포함한다.
- att.typed 요소의 분류 또는 하위분류에서 사용될 수 있는 속성을 제공한다.
type 다양한 분류 스키마 또는 유형을 사용해서 요소의 특성을 기술한다. subtype 필요하다면 요소의 하위범주를 제시한다.
The largest possible subdivision of the body is div1 element and the smallest possible div7. If numbered divisions are in use, a division at any one level (say, div3), may contain only numbered divisions at the next lowest level (in this case, div4).
<div1 type="part" n="1">
<div2 type="chapter" n="1">
<!-- text of part 1, chapter 1 -->
<div2 type="chapter" n="2">
<!-- text of part 1, chapter 2 -->
<div1 type="part" n="2">
<div2 n="1" type="chapter">
<!-- text of part 2, chapter 1 -->
<div2 n="2" type="chapter">
<!-- text of part 2, chapter 2 -->
4.1.3 Numbered or Un-numbered?TEI: Numbered or Un-numbered?¶
Within the same front, body, or back element, all hierarchic subdivisions must be marked using either nested div elements, or div1, div2 etc. elements nested as appropriate; the two styles must not be mixed.
The choice between numbered and un-numbered divisions will depend to some extent on the complexity of the material: un-numbered divisions allow for an arbitrary depth of nesting, while numbered divisions limit the depth of the tree which can be constructed. Where divisions at different levels should be processed differently (for example to ensure that chapters, but not sections, begin on a new page), numbered divisions slightly simplify the task of defining the desired processing for each level, though this distinction could also be made by supplying this information on the type attribute of an un-numbered div. Some software may find numbered divisions easier to process, as there is no need to maintain knowledge of the whole document structure in order to know the level at which a division occurs; such software may, however, find it difficult to cope with some other aspects of the TEI scheme. On the other hand, in a collection of many works it may prove difficult or impossible to ensure that the same numbered division always corresponds with the same type of textual feature: a ‘chapter’ may be at level 1 in one work and level 3 in another.
Whichever style is used, the global n and xml:id attributes (section Global Attributes) may be used to provide reference strings or labels for each division of a text, where appropriate. Such labels should be provided for each section which is regarded as significant for referencing purposes (on reference systems, see further section 3.10 Reference Systems).
<head>Book I.</head>
<div2 type="chapter" n="1" xml:id="JA0101">
<head>Of writing lives in general, and particularly of Pamela, with a word
by the bye of Colley Cibber and others.</head>
<p>It is a trite but true observation, that examples work more forcibly on
the mind than precepts: ... </p>
<!-- remainder of chapter 1 here -->
<div2 type="chapter" n="2" xml:id="JA0102">
<head>Of Mr. Joseph Andrews, his birth, parentage, education, and great
endowments; with a word or two concerning ancestors.</head>
<p>Mr. Joseph Andrews, the hero of our ensuing history, was esteemed to
be the only son of Gaffar and Gammar Andrews, and brother to the
illustrious Pamela, whose virtue is at present so famous ... </p>
<!-- remainder of chapter 2 here -->
<!-- remaining chapters of Book 1 here -->
<trailer>The end of the first Book</trailer>
<div1 type="book" n="II" xml:id="JA0200">
<head>Book II</head>
<div2 type="chapter" n="1" xml:id="JA0201">
<head>Of divisions in authors</head>
<p>There are certain mysteries or secrets in all trades, from the highest
to the lowest, from that of <term>prime-ministering</term>, to this of
<term>authoring</term>, which are seldom discovered unless to members of
the same calling ... </p>
<p>I will dismiss this chapter with the following observation: that it
becomes an author generally to divide a book, as it does a butcher to
joint his meat, for such assistance is of great help to both the reader
and the carver. And now having indulged myself a little I will endeavour
to indulge the curiosity of my reader, who is no doubt impatient to know
what he will find in the subsequent chapters of this book.</p>
<div2 type="chapter" n="2" xml:id="JA0202">
<head>A surprising instance of Mr. Adams's short memory, with the
unfortunate consequences which it brought on Joseph.
<p>Mr. Adams and Joseph were now ready to depart different ways ... </p>
<div type="entry" n="1">
<div type="morning" n="1.1">
<div type="afternoon" n="1.2">
<div type="entry" n="2">
<div type="morning" n="2.1">
<div type="afternoon" n="2.2">
<!-- ...-->
<div1 type="entry" n="1">
<div2 type="morning" n="1.1">
<div2 type="afternoon" n="1.2">
<div1 type="entry" n="2">
<div2 type="morning" n="2.1">
<div2 type="afternoon" n="2.2">
<!-- ...-->
<my:diaryEntry type="entry" n="1">
<my:diaryEntry type="morning" n="1.1">
<my:diaryEntry type="afternoon" n="1.2">
<my:diaryEntry type="entry" n="1">
<my:diaryEntry type="morning" n="1.1">
<my:diaryEntry type="afternoon" n="1.2">
<!-- ...-->
<!-- .... -->
<my:diaryEntry type="entry" n="1">
<my:amEntry type="morning" n="1.1">
<my:pmEntry type="afternoon" n="1.2">
<my:diaryEntry type="entry" n="1">
<my:amEntry type="morning" n="1.1">
<my:pmEntry type="afternoon" n="1.1">
<!-- ... -->
More information about the customization techniques exemplified here is provided in 23.2 Personalization and Customization.
4.1.4 Partial and Composite DivisionsTEI: Partial and Composite Divisions¶
In most situations, the textual subdivisions marked by div or div1 (etc.) elements will be both complete and identically organized with reference to the original source. For some purposes however, in particular where dealing with unusually large or unusually small texts, encoders may find it convenient to present as textual divisions sequences of text which are incomplete with reference to the original text, or which are in fact an ad hoc agglomeration of tiny texts. Moreover, in some kinds of texts it is difficult or impossible to determine the order in which individual subdivisions should be combined to form the next higher level of subdivision, as noted below.
- att.divLike 구역과 동일한 방식으로 처리되는 모든 요소에 공통적인 속성을 제공한다.
org (조직) 구역 내용이 조직된 방법에 대해 명시한다. sample 이 구역이 원본의 표본이며 어떤 부분인지를 나타낸다. part 다른 구조적 요소에 의해 파편화된 구역인지에 대해 명시한다. 예를 들어, 둘 이상 운문 연 사이에 분할된 대화 같은 것.
<p> ... </p>
<p> ... </p>
<gap extent="2" reason="sampling"/>
<p> ... </p>
<head>News in brief</head>
<div2 type="story">
<head>Police deny <soCalled>losing</soCalled> bomb</head>
<p>Scotland Yard yesterday denied claims in the Sunday
Express that anti-terrorist officers trailing an IRA van
loaded with explosives in north London had lost track of
it 10 days ago.</p>
<div2 type="story">
<head>Hotel blaze</head>
<p>Nearly 200 guests were evacuated before dawn
yesterday after fire broke out at the Scandic
Crown hotel in the Royal Mile, Edinburgh.</p>
<div2 type="story">
<head>Test match split</head>
<p>Test Match Special next summer will be split
between Radio 5 and Radio 3, after protests this
year that it disrupted Radio 3's music schedule.</p>
The org attribute on the div1 element is used here to indicate that individual stories in this group, marked here as div2, are really quite independent of each other, although they are all marked as subdivisions of the whole group. They can be read in any order without affecting the sense of the piece; indeed, in some cases, divisions of this nature are printed in such a way as to make it impossible to determine the order in which they are intended to be read. Individual stories can be added or removed without affecting the existing components.
This method of encoding composite texts as composite divisions has some limitations compared with the more general and powerful mechanisms discussed in section 4.3.1 Grouped Texts. However, it may be preferable in some circumstances, notably where the individual texts are very small.
4.2 Elements Common to All DivisionsTEI: Elements Common to All Divisions¶
The divisions of any kind of text may sometimes begin with a brief heading or descriptive title, with or without a byline, an epigraph or brief quotation, or a salutation such as one finds at the start of a letter. They may also conclude with a brief trailer, byline, postscript, or signature. Many of these (e.g. a byline) may appear either at the start or at the end of a text division proper.
- model.divTop 텍스트 구역 시작에 나타나는 요소를 모아 놓는다.
- model.divTopPart 텍스트 구역의 시작부에만 나타날 수 있는 요소를 모아 놓는다.
- model.divBottom 텍스트 구역의 종료부에 나타타는 요소를 모아 놓는다.
- model.divBottomPart 텍스트 구역의 종료부에만 나타날 수 있는 요소를 모아 놓는다.
- model.divWrapper 텍스트 구역 상단 또는 하단에 나타날 수 있는 요소를 모아 놓는다.
- argument 텍스트의 하위 구역에서 서술된 주제에 대한 형식적 목록 또는 산문체 기술
- byline 제목 페이지 또는 작품의 시작부 또는 종료부에서 작품 책임성에 대한 주요 진술을 포함한다.
- dateline 편지, 신문 기사 또는 다른 작품에 제목부 또는 종료 요약부로서, 앞에 또는 뒤에 부착되어 있는, 그것이 생성된 장소, 날짜, 시간 등의 간단한 기술.
- docAuthor (문서 저자) 제목 페이지에 제시되는 문서의 작가명을 포함한다(그러나 종종 작자명 행에 포함되는 것은 아니다.)
- docDate (문서 날짜) 대개 제목 페이지에 제시되는 문서의 날짜를 포함한다.
- epigraph 절 또는 장의 시작, 또는 제목 페이지에 나타나는 인용, 작자미상, 또는 추정을 포함한다.
- head (표제부) 예를 들어 절의 제목 또는 용어집, 원고 기술의 제목 등과 같이 표제부 유형을 포함한다.
- salute (인사말) 머리말, 헌정 서한, 또는 텍스트의 다른 구역 앞에 첨부되는 인사말 또는 환영사, 아니면 편지, 서문 등의 결문의 인사말.
- opener 구역, 특히 편지의 시작부에 서문군으로 나타나는 날짜 표시란, 필자명 행, 인사말, 그리고 유사 구를 합하여 모아 놓는다.
- closer 구역의 마지막, 특히 편지의 종료부에 발문으로 나타나는 인사말, 날짜 표시란, 그리고 유사 구를 합하여 모아 놓는다.
- signed (서명) 머리말, 헌정 서한 또는 텍스트의 다른 구역에 첨부되는 결문 인사.
- trailer 텍스트 구역의 종료부에 나타나는 마지막 제목 또는 꼬리말을 포함한다.
- postscript 예를 들어 편지의, 추신.
4.2.1 Headings and TrailersTEI: Headings and Trailers¶
<head>(Supplied by a late consumptive usher to a
grammar school)</head>
<p>The pale Usher — threadbare in coat, heart,
body and brain; I see him now. He was ever
dusting his old lexicons and grammars, ...</p>
Unlike some other markup schemes, the TEI scheme does not require that headings attached to textual subdivisions at different hierarchic levels have different identifiers. All kinds of heading are marked identically using the head tag; the type or level of heading intended is implied by the immediate parent of the head element, which may for example be a div1, div2, etc., an un-numbered div, or any member of the model.listLike class. However, as with div elements, the encoder may choose to extend the model.headLike class of which head is the sole member to include other such elements if required.
In certain kinds of text (notably newspapers), there may be a need to categorize individual headings within the sequence at the start of a division, for example as ‘main’ headings, or ‘detail’ headings: this may readily be done using the type or subtype attribute. Specific elements are provided for certain kinds of heading-like features, (notably byline, dateline, and salute; see further section 4.2.2 Openers and Closers), but the type or subtype attributes must be used to discriminate among other forms of heading. These attributes are provided, as elsewhere, by the att.typed attribute class of which the head element is a member.
<head rend="underlined" type="sub">President pledges safeguards for 2,400 British
troops in Bosnia</head>
<head rend="scream" type="main">Major agrees to enforced no-fly zone</head>
<byline>By George Jones, Political Editor, in Washington</byline>
<p>Greater Western intervention in the conflict in
former Yugoslavia was pledged by President Bush ...</p>
In older writings, the headings or incipits may be longer than in modern works. When heading-like material appears in the middle of a text, the encoder must decide whether or not to treat it as the start of a new division. If the phrase in question appears to be more closely connected with what follows than with what precedes it, then it may be regarded as a heading and tagged as the head of a new div element. If it appears to be simply inserted or superimposed—as for example the kind of ‘pull quotes’ often found in newspapers or magazines, then the quote, q, or cit element may be more appropriate.
<head>In the name of Christ here begins the
first book of the ecclesiastical history of Georgius Florentinus,
known as Gregory, Bishop of Tours.</head>
<head>Chapter Headings</head>
<!-- chapter head -->
<!-- further chapter heads omitted -->
<head>In the name of Christ here begins Book I of the history.</head>
<p>Proposing as I do ...</p>
<p>From the Passion of our Lord until the death of Saint Martin four
hundred and twelve years passed.</p>
<trailer>Here ends the first Book, which covers five thousand, five
hundred and ninety-six years from the beginning of the world down
to the death of Saint Martin.</trailer>
4.2.2 Openers and ClosersTEI: Openers and Closers¶
<head>To Henry Hope.</head>
<p>It is not because this volume was conceived and partly
executed amid the glades and galleries of the Deepdene,
that I have inscribed it with your name. ... I shall find a
reflex to their efforts in your own generous spirit and
enlightened mind.
<signed xml:lang="el">D.</signed>
<dateline>Grosvenor Gate, May-Day, 1844</dateline>
- opener 구역, 특히 편지의 시작부에 서문군으로 나타나는 날짜 표시란, 필자명 행, 인사말, 그리고 유사 구를 합하여 모아 놓는다.
- closer 구역의 마지막, 특히 편지의 종료부에 발문으로 나타나는 인사말, 날짜 표시란, 그리고 유사 구를 합하여 모아 놓는다.
<head>Sixth Narrative</head>
<head>contributed by Sergeant Cuff</head>
<div type="fragment" n="6.1">
<name type="place">Dorking, Surrey,</name>
<date>July 30th, 1849</date>
<salute>To <name>Franklin Blake, Esq.</name> Sir, —</salute>
<p>I beg to apologize for the delay that has occurred in the
production of the Report, with which I engaged to furnish you.
I have waited to make it a complete Report ...</p>
<salute>I have the honour to remain, dear sir, your
obedient servant </salute>
<name>RICHARD CUFF</name> (late sergeant in the
Detective Force, Scotland Yard, London). </signed>
<head>Letter XIV: Miss Clarissa Harlowe to Miss Howe</head>
<dateline>Thursday evening, March 2.</dateline>
<p>On Hannah's depositing my long letter ...</p>
<p>An interruption obliges me to conclude myself
in some hurry, as well as fright, what I must ever be,</p>
<salute>Yours more than my own,</salute>
<signed>Clarissa Harlowe</signed>
For further discussion of the encoding of dates and of names of persons and places, see section 3.5.4 Dates and Times and chapter 13 Names, Dates, People, and Places.
4.2.3 Arguments, Epigraphs, and PostscriptsTEI: Arguments, Epigraphs, and Postscripts¶
<p>Kingston — Instructive remarks on early English history
— Instructive observations on carved oak and life in general
— Sad case of Stivvings, junior — Musings on antiquity
— I forget that I am steering — Interesting result
— Hampton Court Maze — Harris as a guide.</p>
<p>It was a glorious morning, late spring or early summer, as you
care to take it ...</p>
<list type="inline">
<item>Instructive remarks on early English history</item>
<item>Instructive observations on carved oak and life in
<item>Sad case of Stivvings, junior</item>
<item>Musings on antiquity</item>
<item>I forget that I am steering</item>
<item>Interesting result</item>
<item>Hampton Court Maze</item>
<item>Harris as a guide.</item>
<p>It was a glorious morning, late spring or early summer, as you
care to take it ...</p>
<docAuthor>E. M. Forster</docAuthor>
<titlePart>Howards End</titlePart>
<q>Only connect...</q>
<head>Chapter 19</head>
<quote>I pity the man who can travel
from Dan to Beersheba, and say <q>'Tis all
barren;</q> and so is all the world to him
who will not cultivate the fruits it offers.
<bibl>Sterne: Sentimental Journey.</bibl>
<p>To say that Deronda was romantic would be to
misrepresent him: but under his calm and somewhat
self-repressed exterior ...</p>
For discussion of quotations appearing other than as epigraphs refer to section 3.3.3 Quotation.
<date when="1761-05-27">May ye 27th 1761</date>
<p>Capt Stoddard's Business
<lb/>calling him to Providence, have
<lb/>got him to look at Hopkins brigantine
<lb/>& if can agree to Purchase her, shall
<lb/>be much oblig'd for your further
<lb/>assistance herein, & will acquiesce with
<lb/>whatever you & he shall Contract
<lb/>for — I Thank you for your
<unclear>Line</unclear> respecting the brigantine & Beg
<lb/>leave to Recommend the Bearer
<lb/>to you for your advice & Friendship
<lb/>in this matter</p>
<salute>I am your most humble servant</salute>
<signed>Joseph Wanton Jr</signed>
<p>I have Mollases, Sugar,
<lb/>Coffee & Rum, which
<lb/>will Exchange with you
<lb/>for Candles or Oyl</p>
4.2.4 Content of Textual DivisionsTEI: Content of Textual Divisions¶
Other than elements from the model.divWrapper, model.divTop, or model.divBottom classes, every textual division (numbered or un-numbered) consists of a sequence of ungrouped macro.component elements (see 1.3 The TEI Class System). The actual elements available will depend on the modules in use; in all cases, at least the component-level structural elements defined in the core will be available (paragraphs, lists, dramatic speeches, verse lines and line groups etc.). If the drama module has been selected, then other component- or phrase- level items specialized for performance texts (for example, cast lists or camera angles) will be available, as defined in chapter 7 Performance Texts) will be available. If the dictionary module is in use, then dictionary entries, related entries, etc. (as defined in chapter 9 Dictionaries) will also be available; if the module for transcribed speech is in use, then utterances, pauses, vocals, kinesics, etc., as defined in chapter 8.3 Elements Unique to Spoken Texts will be available; and so on.
Where a text contains low-level elements from more than one module these may appear at any point; there is no requirement that elements from the same module be kept together.
4.3 Grouped and Floating TextsTEI: Grouped and Floating Texts¶
- group 어떤 목적의 단위로 간주되는 일련의 서로 다른 텍스트(또는 그러한 텍스트군)를 모아 놓은 혼합 텍스트의 본문을 포함한다. 예를 들어, 한 작가의 선집, 일련의 수필 등.
- floatingText 단일 또는 혼합이든지 간에, 어떤 지점에서 그것을 포함한 텍스트를 중단시키고 그 이후 주변 텍스트가 다시 시작하는 텍스트.
4.3.1 Grouped TextsTEI: Grouped Texts¶
Examples of composite texts which should be represented using the group element include anthologies and other collections. The presence of common front matter referring to the whole collection, possibly in addition to front matter relating to each individual text, is a good indication that a given text might usefully be encoded in this way; this structure may be found useful in other circumstances too.
<titlePart> The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
<docImprint>First published in <title>The Strand</title>
between July 1891 and December 1892</docImprint>
<!-- any other front matter specific to this collection -->
<head rend="italic">Adventures of Sherlock
<titlePart>Adventure I. —</titlePart>
<titlePart>A Scandal in Bohemia</titlePart>
<byline>By A. Conan Doyle.</byline>
<p>To Sherlock Holmes she is always
<emph>the</emph> woman. ... </p>
<!-- remainder of A Scandal in Bohemia here -->
<head rend="italic">Adventures of Sherlock Holmes</head>
<titlePart>Adventure II. —</titlePart>
<titlePart>The Red-Headed League</titlePart>
<byline>By A. Conan Doyle.</byline>
<p>I had called upon my friend, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, one day
in the autumn of last year and found him in deep conversation
with a very stout, florid-faced, elderly gentleman with fiery red hair …
<!-- remainder of The Red Headed League here -->
<head rend="italic">Adventures of Sherlock Holmes</head>
<titlePart>Adventure XII. —</titlePart>
<titlePart>The Adventure of the Copper Beeches</titlePart>
<byline>By A. Conan Doyle.</byline>
<q>To the man who loves art for its
own sake,</q> remarked Sherlock Holmes ...
<!-- remainder of The Copper Beeches here -->
... she is now the head of a private school
at Walsall, where I believe that she has
met with considerable success.</p>
<!-- end of The Copper Beeches -->
<!-- end of the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes -->
- Steps to the Temple (a collection of verse first published in 1648)
- Carmen deo Nostro (a second collection, published in 1652)
- The Delights of the Muses (a third collection, published in 1648)
- Posthumous Poems, I (a collection of fragments all taken from a single manuscript)
- Posthumous Poems, II (a further collection of fragments, taken from a different manuscript)
Each of the three collections published in Crashaw's lifetime has a reasonable claim to be considered as a text in its own right, and may therefore be encoded as such. It is rather more arbitrary as to whether the two posthumous collections should be treated as two groups, following the practice of the Muses Library edition. An encoder might elect to combine the two into a single group or simply to treat each fragment as an ungrouped unitary text.
<titlePart>The poems of Richard Crashaw</titlePart>
<byline>Edited by J.R. Tutin</byline>
<div type="preface">
<head>Editor's Note</head>
<p>A few words are necessary ... </p>
<titlePart>Steps to the Temple, Sacred Poems</titlePart>
<div type="address">
<head>The Preface to the Reader</head>
<p>Learned Reader, The Author's friend will not usurp much
upon thy eye ... </p>
<titlePart>Sospetto D'Herode</titlePart>
<div1 type="book" n="Herod I">
<head>Libro Primo</head>
<l>Casting the times with their strong signs</l>
<lg n="I.1" type="stanza">
<l>Muse! now the servant of soft loves no more</l>
<l>Hate is thy theme and Herod whose unblest</l>
<l>Hand (O, what dares not jealous greatness?) tore</l>
<l>A thousand sweet babes from their mothers' breast,</l>
<l>The blooms of martyrdom ...</l>
<titlePart>The Tear</titlePart>
<lg n="I">
<l>What bright soft thing is this</l>
<l>Sweet Mary, thy fair eyes' expense?</l>
<!-- remaining poems of the Steps to the Temple appear here, each tagged as a distinct text element -->
<!-- back matter for the Steps to the Temple -->
<!-- start of Carmen deo Nostro -->
<!-- more texts here -->
<!-- start of The Delights of the Muses -->
<!-- more texts here -->
<!-- back matter for the whole collection -->
- Front matter (title page, acknowledgments, introductory essay)
- The Beginnings
- The Eighteenth Century and the Grand Tour
- The Heyday
- Touristic Tendencies
- Post Tourism
- Back matter (permissions list, index)
- Prefatory essay
- Five letters by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
- An extract from Swift's Gullivers Travels
- Two poems by Alexander Pope
- Two extracts from Boswell's Journal
- A poem by William Blake
<!-- the whole anthology -->
<!-- title page, acknowledgments, introductory essay -->
<!-- body of anthology starts here -->
<head>The Beginnings</head>
<!-- sequence of texts or groups -->
<!-- The Eighteenth Century and the Grand Tour -->
<!-- prefatory essay by editor -->
<!-- Section on Lady Mary Wortley Montagu starts -->
<!-- biographical notice by editor -->
<!-- first letter -->
<!-- second letter -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- end of Montagu section -->
<!-- single text by Jonathan Swift starts -->
<!-- biographical notice by editor -->
<!-- end of Swift section -->
<!-- Section on Alexander Pope starts -->
<!-- biographical notice by editor -->
<!-- first poem -->
<!-- second poem -->
<!-- end of Pope section -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- end of 18th century section -->
<head>The Heyday</head>
<!-- texts and subgroups -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- end of the anthology proper -->
<!-- back matter for anthology -->
<!-- Section on Alexander Pope starts -->
<!-- biographical notice by editor -->
<!-- first poem -->
<!-- second poem -->
<!-- end of Pope section-->
The essays on ‘The Eighteenth Century and the Grand Tour’ and other larger sections could also be tagged as ‘front’ matter in the same way, by treating the larger sections as text elements rather than group elements.
Where, as in this case, an anthology contains different kinds of text (for example, mixtures of prose and drama, or transcribed speech and dictionary entries, or letters and verse), the elements to be encoded will of course be drawn from more than one module. The elements provided by the core module described in chapter 3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents should however prove adequate for most simple purposes, where prose, drama, and verse are combined in a single collection.
- cit (참조 인용) 원문 참고문헌과 함께 제시된 다른 문서로부터의 인용을 포함한다. 사전에서는 기술된 의미로 사용된 어형이 들어간 용례, 또는 표제어의 번역어 또는 예문을 포함할 수 있다.
- quote (인용) 해설자 또는 저자에 의해, 텍스트의 외부 주체에 의해 생성된 것이라 밝혀진 구 또는 단락을 포함한다.
<head>(Supplied by a sub-sub-Librarian)</head>
<p>It will be seen that this mere painstaking burrower and
grubworm of a poor devil of a Sub-Sub appears to have gone
through the long Vaticans and street-stalls of the earth,
picking up whatever random allusions to whales he could
anyways find ...
Here ye strike but splintered hearts together — there,
ye shall strike unsplinterable glasses!</p>
<quote>And God created great whales.</quote>
<l>Leviathan maketh a path to shine after him;</l>
<l>One would think the deep to be hoary.</l>
<quote>By art is created that great Leviathan,
called a Commonwealth or State — (in Latin,
<mentioned xml:lang="la">civitas</mentioned>), which
is but an artificial man.</quote>
<bibl>Opening sentence of Hobbes's Leviathan</bibl>
4.3.2 Floating TextsTEI: Floating Texts¶
An important characteristic of the unitary or composite text structures discussed so far is that they can be regarded as forming what is mathematically known as a tesselation covering the whole of the available text (or text division) at each hierarchic level. Just as an XML document has a single root element containing a single tree, each node of which forms a properly nested sub-tree, so it seems natural to think of the internal structure of a text as decomposable hierarchically into subparts, each of which is a properly nested subtree. While this is undoubtedly true of a large number of documents, it is not true of all. In particular, it is not true of texts which are only partly tesselated at a given level. For example, if a text A is contained by text B in such a way that part of B precedes A and part follows it, we cannot tesselate the whole of B. In such a case, we say that text A is a ‘floating’ text.
The floatingText element is a member of the model.divPart class, and can thus appear within any division level element in the same way as a paragraph. For example, texts such as the Decameron or the Arabian Nights might be regarded as containing many floating texts embedded within another single text, the framing narrative, rather than as groups of discrete texts in which the fragments of framing narrative are regarded as front or back matter.
and a clean Hearth ... reflected on the Providence of our
All-wise and Gracious Creator.... </p>
<p>She was thus ruminating, when a Gentleman enter'd the Room, the
Door being a jar... calling for a Candle, she beg'd a thousand
Pardons, engaged him to sit down, and let her know, what had so long
conceal'd him from her Correspondence.
<pb n="5"/>
<head>The Story of <hi>Captain Manly</hi>
<p>Dear Galecia, said he, though you partly know the loose, or rather
lewd Life that I led in my Youth; yet I can't forbear relating part of
it to you by way of Abhorrence...
<!-- Captain Manly's story here -->
I had lost and spent all I had in the World; in which I verified the
Old Proverb, That a Rolling Stone never gathers Moss,
<pb n="37"/>
the Stairs-head; and at her return, casting her Eyes on the Table, she
saw lying there an old dirty rumpled Book, and found in it the
following story: </p>
<p> IN the time of the Holy War when
Christians from all parts went into the Holy Land to oppose the Turks;
Amongst these there was a certain English Knight...</p>
<!-- rest of story here -->
<p>The King graciously pardoned the Knight; Richard was kindly receiv'd
into his Convent, and all things went on in good order: But from hence
came the Proverb, We must not strike <hi>Robert</hi> for
<pb n="43"/>
<p>By this time Galecia's Maid brought up her Supper; after which she
cast her Eyes again on the foresaid little Book, where she found the
following Story, which she read through before she went to bed.
<head>The Cause of the Moors Overrunning
<p>King ———— of Spain at his Death, committed the Government of his
Kingdom to his Brother Don ——— till his little Son should come of
Age ...</p>
<p>Thus the little Story ended, without telling what Misery
befel the King and Kingdom, by the Moors, who over ran the Country for
many Years after. To which, we may well apply the Proverb,
<l>Who drives the Devil's Stages,</l>
<l>Deserves the Devil's Wages</l>
<p>The reading this Trifle of a Story detained Galecia from her Rest
beyond her usual Hour; for she slept so sound the next Morning, that
she did not rise, till a Lady's Footman came to tell her, that his
Lady and another or two were coming to breakfast with her...
In other multi-narrative texts, the individual nested tales may have greater significance than the framing narratives, and it may therefore be preferable to treat the fragments of framing narrative as front or back matter associated with each nested tale. This is commonly done, for example, in texts such as Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, where each tale is typically presented with front matter in which the teller of the tale is introduced, and back matter in which the pilgrims comment on it.
It is important to distinguish between the uses of floatingText and quote. Whereas the semantics of quote suggest that its content derives from a source external to the current text, floatingText carries no such implication and is simply used whenever the richer content model that it provides is required to support the markup of a part of a text that is presented as a discrete ‘inclusion.’ In some cases, such inclusions could be considered external (e.g., enclosures, attachments, etc.); often however, as in the examples above, the included text bears no signs of emanating from outside.
floatingText and quote may be used in combination. For a text with rich internal structure that is quoted at length, floatingText might be used within quote. Also, like a unitary text, floatingText may include one or more quoted sections, each marked with a quote element.
4.4 Virtual DivisionsTEI: Virtual Divisions¶
- divGen (자동적으로 생성된 텍스트 구역) 텍스트 처리 애플리케이션에 의해 자동적으로 생성된 텍스트 구역이 나타나는 위치를 표시한다.
This element is made available by the model.divGenLike class of which it is the sole element. The divGen element is a member of the att.typed class, from which it inherits the type and subtype attributes. It may appear wherever a div or div1 (div2, etc.) element may appear.
<!-- transcript here-->
<!-- translation here -->
<divGen type="alignment"/>
4.5 Front MatterTEI: Front Matter¶
By front matter we mean distinct sections of a text (usually, but not necessarily, a printed one), prefixed to it by way of introduction or identification as a part of its production. Features such as title pages or prefaces are clear examples; a less definite case might be the prologue attached to a play. The front matter of an encoded text should not be confused with the TEI header described in chapter 2 The TEI Header, which serves as a kind of front matter for the computer file itself, not the text it encodes.
- preface
- A foreword or preface addressed to the reader in which the author or publisher explains the content, purpose, or origin of the text.
- ack
- A formal declaration of acknowledgment by the author in which persons and institutions are thanked for their part in the creation of a text.
- dedication
- A formal offering or dedication of a text to one or more persons or institutions by the author.
- abstract
- A summary of the content of a text as continuous prose.
- contents
- A table of contents, specifying the structure of a work and listing its constituents. The list element should be used to mark its structure.
- frontispiece
- A pictorial frontispiece, possibly including some text.
<p>To my parents, Ida and Max Fish</p>
<div type="preface">
<p>The answer this book gives to its title question is <q>there is
and there isn't</q>.</p>
<p>Chapters 1–12 have been previously published in the
following journals and collections:
<item>chapters 1 and 3 in <title>New literary History</title>
<item>chapter 10 in <title>Boundary II</title> (1980)</item>
I am grateful for permission to reprint.</p>
<item>Introduction, or How I stopped Worrying and Learned to Love
Interpretation <ptr target="#fish1"/>
<head>Part One: Literature in the Reader</head>
<item n="1">Literature in the Reader: Affective Stylistics
<ptr target="#fish2"/>
<item n="2">What is Stylistics and Why Are They Saying Such
Terrible Things About It? <ptr target="#fish3"/>
<div xml:id="fish1">
<!-- .... -->
<div xml:id="fish2">
<head>Literature in the Reader</head>
<!-- .... -->
<div xml:id="fish3">
<head>What is stylistics?</head>
<!-- .... -->
<!-- .... --><item n="1">Literature in the Reader: Affective Stylistics
<ref target="#fish-p24">24</ref>
<!-- .... -->
<div type="chapter">
<head>Literature in the Reader</head>
<pb xml:id="fish-p24"/>
<!-- .... -->
<!-- .... -->
<div1 type="incipit">
<p>Here bygynniþ a book of contemplacyon, þe whiche
is clepyd <title>þE CLOWDE OF VNKNOWYNG</title>,
in þe whiche a soule is onyd wiþ GOD.</p>
<div1 type="prayer">
<head>Here biginneþ þe preyer on þe prologe.</head>
<p>God, unto whom alle hertes ben open, & unto whome alle wille
spekiþ, & unto whom no priue þing is hid: I beseche
þee so for to clense þe entent of myn hert wiþ þe
unspekable 3ift of þi grace, þat I may parfiteliche
loue þee & worþilich preise þee. Amen.</p>
<div1 type="preface">
<head>Here biginneþ þe prolog.</head>
<p>In þe name of þe Fader & of þe Sone &
of þe Holy Goost.</p>
<p>I charge þee & I beseeche þee, wiþ as moche
power & vertewe as þe bonde of charite is sufficient
to suffre, what-so-euer þou be þat þis book schalt
haue in possession ...</p>
<div1 type="contents">
<head>Here biginneþ a table of þe chapitres.</head>
<label>þe first chapitre </label>
<item>Of foure degrees of Cristen mens leuing; & of þe
cours of his cleping þat þis book was maad vnto.</item>
<label>þe secound chapitre</label>
<item>A schort stering to meeknes & to þe werk of þis
<label>þe fiue and seuenti chapitre</label>
<item>Of somme certein tokenes bi þe whiche a man may proue
wheþer he be clepid of God to worche in þis werk.</item>
<trailer>& here eendeþ þe table of þe chapitres.</trailer>
If, however, the table of contents can be automatically generated from the remainder of the text, it may be preferable simply to mark its presence, either by means of an empty divGen element or by using an appropriate processing instruction.
4.6 Title PagesTEI: Title Pages¶
- titlePage (제목 페이지) 전면부 또는 후면부 자료 내에서 나타나는 텍스트의 제목 페이지를 포함한다.
- docTitle (문서 제목) 제목 페이지에 제시되는 모든 구성성분을 포함한 문서의 제목을 제시한다.
- titlePart 제목 페이지에 제시되는 작품 제목의 소절 또는 구역을 포함한다.
type 제목의 하위 구역에 대한 역할을 명시한다. - argument 텍스트의 하위 구역에서 서술된 주제에 대한 형식적 목록 또는 산문체 기술
- byline 제목 페이지 또는 작품의 시작부 또는 종료부에서 작품 책임성에 대한 주요 진술을 포함한다.
- docAuthor (문서 저자) 제목 페이지에 제시되는 문서의 작가명을 포함한다(그러나 종종 작자명 행에 포함되는 것은 아니다.)
- epigraph 절 또는 장의 시작, 또는 제목 페이지에 나타나는 인용, 작자미상, 또는 추정을 포함한다.
- imprimatur 작품 출판을 인가하는 공식적 진술. 이는 제목 페이지 또는 그 이면에 나타나도록 종종 요구된다.
- docEdition (문서 편집) 문서의 제목 페이지에 제시되는 편집 진술을 포함한다.
- docImprint (문서 간기) 대개 제목 페이지 아래에 제시되는 인쇄 판 진술(출판 장소와 날짜, 출판사명)을 포함한다.
- docDate (문서 날짜) 대개 제목 페이지에 제시되는 문서의 날짜를 포함한다.
- graphic 인라인 그래픽, 삽화, 또는 도형의 위치를 표시한다.
Together with the figure element described in chapter 14 Tables, Formulæ, Graphics and Notated Music, these elements constitute the model.titlepagePart class. Any number of elements from this class can appear grouped together within a titlePage element. The figure element is included so as to enable encoders to record the presence of complex non-textual material on a title page. For simple cases such as printers' ornaments or illustrations the graphic element discussed in section 3.9 Graphics and other non-textual components should be adequate.
The elements listed above, together with the head element, also constitute the class model.pLike.front. The elements in this class can appear within a minimal front element without any need to group them together and encode a complete title page.
<titlePart type="main">Is There a Text in This Class?</titlePart>
<titlePart type="sub">The Authority of Interpretive Communities</titlePart>
<docAuthor>Stanley Fish</docAuthor>
<publisher>Harvard University Press</publisher>
<pubPlace>Cambridge, Massachusetts</pubPlace>
<pubPlace>London, England</pubPlace>
<titlePart type="main">THE
<lb/>Pilgrim's Progress
<lb/>That which is to come:</titlePart>
<titlePart type="sub">Delivered under the Similitude of a
<titlePart type="desc">Wherein is Discovered,
<lb/>The manner of his setting out,
<lb/>His Dangerous Journey; And safe
<lb/>Arrival at the Desired Countrey.</titlePart>
<quote>I have used Similitudes,</quote>
<bibl>Hos. 12.10</bibl>
<byline>By <docAuthor>John Bunyan</docAuthor>.</byline>
<imprimatur>Licensed and Entred according to Order.</imprimatur>
Printed for <name>Nath. Ponder</name>
<lb/>at the <name>Peacock</name> in the <name>Poultrey</name>
<lb/>near <name>Cornhil</name>, <docDate>1678</docDate>.
Where, as here, it is considered important to encode salient features of the way a title page was originally rendered, the techniques exemplified in 2.3.4 The Tagging Declaration may also be useful.
Where title pages are encoded, their physical rendition is often of considerable importance. One approach to this requirement would be to use the seg tag, described in chapter 16 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment, to segment the typographic content of each part of the title page, and then use the global rend attribute to specify its rendition. Another would be to use a module specialized for the description of typographic entities such as pages, lines, rules, etc., bearing special-purpose attributes to describe line-height, leading, degree of kerning, font, etc. Further discussion of these problems is provided in chapter 11 Representation of Primary Sources.
4.7 Back MatterTEI: Back Matter¶
Conventions vary as to which elements are grouped as back matter and which as front. For example, some books place the table of contents at the front, and others at the back. Even title pages may appear at the back of a book as well as at the front. The content model for back and front elements are therefore identical.
- appendix
- An ancillary self-contained section of a work, often providing additional but in some sense extra-canonical text.
- glossary
- A list of terms associated with definition texts (‘glosses’): this should be encoded as a <list type="gloss"> (see section 3.7 Lists).
- notes
- A section in which textual or other kinds of notes are gathered together.
- bibliogr
- A list of bibliographic citations: this should be encoded as a listBibl (see section 3.11 Bibliographic Citations and References).
- index
- Any form of index to the work.
- colophon
- A statement appearing at the end of a book describing the conditions of its physical production.
<div type="index">
<list type="index">
<item>Actors, public, paid for the contempt attending
their profession, <ref>263</ref>
<item>Africa, cause assigned for the barbarous state of
the interior parts of that continent, <ref>125</ref>
<list type="indexentry">
<item>ancient policy of Europe unfavourable to, <ref>371</ref>
<item>artificers necessary to carry it on, <ref>481</ref>
<item>cattle and tillage mutually improve each other, <ref>325</ref>
<item>wealth arising from more solid than that which proceeds
from commerce <ref>520</ref>
<item>Alehouses, not the efficient cause of drunkenness, <ref>461</ref>
the efficient cause of drunkenness, <ref target="#P461">461</ref>
<item>Alehouses, not the efficient cause of drunkenness, <ptr target="#P461"/>
<div type="letter">
<head>A letter written to his wife, founde with this booke
after his death.</head>
<p>The remembrance of the many wrongs offred thee, and thy
unreproued vertues, adde greater sorrow to my miserable state,
than I can utter or thou conceiue. ...
... yet trust I in the world to come to find mercie, by the
merites of my Saiuour to whom I commend thee, and commit
my soule.</p>
<signed>Thy repentant husband for his disloyaltie,
<name>Robert Greene.</name>
<epigraph xml:lang="la">
<p>Faelicem fuisse infaustum</p>
<div type="corrigenda">
<salute xml:lang="la">M. Scriblerus Lectori</salute>
<p>Once more, gentle reader I appeal unto thee, from the shameful
ignorance of the Editor, by whom Our own Specimen of
<name>Virgil</name> hath been mangled in such miserable manner, that
scarce without tears can we behold it. At the very entrance, Instead
of <q xml:lang="grc">προλεγομενα</q>, lo!
<q xml:lang="grc">προλεγωμενα</q> with an Omega!
and in the same line <q xml:lang="la">consulâs</q> with a circumflex!
In the next page thou findest <q xml:lang="la">leviter perlabere</q>,
which his ignorance took to be the infinitive mood of
<q xml:lang="la">perlabor</q> but ought to be
<q xml:lang="la">perlabi</q> ... Wipe away all these
monsters, Reader, with thy quill.</p>
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