
att.ascribed  特定個人に帰する発話や行動を示すを示す要素に付随する. [1 The TEI Infrastructure]
モジュールtei — 1 The TEI Infrastructure
構成change said q sp spGrp move u pause vocal kinesic incident writing shift setting
who 当該要素の内容が示す人物を示す.
状態 任意
データ型 1–∞ occurrences of 

<rng:ref name="data.pointer"/>
For transcribed speech, this will typically identify a participant or participant group; in other contexts, it will point to any identified person element.

In the following example from Hamlet, speeches (sp) in the body of the play are linked to castItem elements in the castList using the who attribute.

<castItem type="role">
 <role xml:id="Barnardo">Bernardo</role>
<castItem type="role">
 <role xml:id="Francisco">Francisco</role>
 <roleDesc>a soldier</roleDesc>
<!-- ... -->
<sp who="#Barnardo">
 <l n="1">Who's there?</l>
<sp who="#Francisco">
 <l n="2">Nay, answer me: stand, and unfold yourself.</l>