
<taxonomy> defines a typology used to classify texts either implicitly, by means of a bibliographic citation, or explicitly by a structured taxonomy. 2.3.6 The Classification Declaration
Moduleheader — 2 The TEI Header
AttributesGlobal attributes only
Used by
May contain
msdescription: msDesc
tagdocs: altIdent equiv

<rng:element name="taxonomy">
<rng:ref name="att.global.attributes"/>
  <rng:ref name="model.glossLike"/>
  <rng:ref name="category"/>
<!-- this group a hack for odd2dtd processing -->
   <rng:ref name="model.biblLike"/>
   <rng:ref name="category"/>
element taxonomy
   ( model.glossLike* | category+ | ( ( model.biblLike ), category* ) )
<taxonomy xml:id="tax.b">
 <bibl>Brown Corpus</bibl>
 <category xml:id="tax.b.a">
  <catDesc>Press Reportage</catDesc>
  <category xml:id="tax.b.a1">
  <category xml:id="tax.b.a2">
  <category xml:id="tax.b.a3">
  <category xml:id="tax.b.a4">
  <category xml:id="tax.b.a5">
  <category xml:id="tax.b.a6">
 <category xml:id="tax.b.d">
  <category xml:id="tax.b.d1">
  <category xml:id="tax.b.d2">
   <catDesc>Periodicals and tracts</catDesc>