
<change> summarizes a particular change or correction made to a particular version of an electronic text which is shared between several researchers. 2.5 The Revision Description
Moduleheader — 2 The TEI Header
Attributes att.ascribed (@who)
whensupplies the date of the change in standard form, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD.
Status Mandatory when applicable

<rng:ref name="data.temporal.w3c"/>
Values a date, time, or date & time in any of the formats defined in XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition
Used by
May contain

<rng:element name="change">
<rng:ref name="att.global.attributes"/>
<rng:ref name="att.ascribed.attributes"/>
 <rng:attribute name="when">
  <rng:ref name="data.temporal.w3c"/>
  <rng:ref name="model.limitedPhrase"/>
  <rng:ref name="model.inter"/>
<!-- <rng:ref name="model.divPart"/>-->
  <rng:ref name="model.global"/>
element change
   attribute when { data.temporal.w3c }?,
   ( text | model.limitedPhrase | model.inter | model.global )*
 <title> ... </title>
 <editor xml:id="LDB">Lou Burnard</editor>
 <respStmt xml:id="BZ">
  <resp>copy editing</resp>
  <name>Brett Zamir</name>
<!-- ... -->
 <change who="#BZwhen="2008-02-02">Finished chapter 23</change>
 <change who="#BZwhen="2008-01-02">Finished chapter 2</change>
 <change n="P2.2when="1991-12-21who="#LDB">Added examples to section 3</change>
 <change when="1991-11-11who="#MSM">Deleted chapter 10</change>
The who attribute may be used to point to any other element, but will typically specify a respStmt or person element elsewhere in the header, identifying the person responsible for the change and their role in making it.
It is recommended that changes be recorded with the most recent first.